Glenboro Clinic Welcomes New Doctor

by | Nov 28, 2024

  I had the distinct pleasure of meeting two delightful individuals who have very recently purchased a home just outside of the town of Glenboro.

        Can you guess who they may be?

        If you said our newest doctor Tais Pujol, who will soon be taking patients at the Glenboro Clinic and her husband Luis Rojo, you would be correct!

        Sitting at their kitchen table, they shared their very long journey to Glenboro, starting from their previous home in Manchester, England.

        Leaving Manchester, they travelled many miles to reunite with their beloved puppies, before heading to London on November 20th, to board a direct flight to Calgary, Alberta.

        After a 9.5 hour flight, they landed in Calgary and were welcomed to their new country with a good old  fashioned winter snow storm.

        After collecting their luggage and precious pooches they were ready to settle in for a much deserved nap before taking on the next leg of their journey.

        After a quick rest it was time to embark on the long, wintery drive to their new home in Glenboro, Manitoba.

        It was a long and tiring trip, but oh so worth it, they both whole heartedly admit, they absolutely love it here!

        Why Glenboro?

        “We both wanted to live in a rural area, a place we both wanted to be. If only one of us was happy where we were, it would never work, we both had to want to be there. In Manchester where we were living, it was becoming too crowded,” Tais commented, with Luis nodding in agreement and adding, “Glenboro is exactly what we were looking for, it is perfect for both of us.”

        Tais went on to say she had been contacted several times over the past 2 or three years, by a recruiter,  but she and Luis weren’t ready to make a change at that point. “I don’t know exactly what changed, but about a year ago I finally answered them, we set up a meeting and listened to what they had to say. They were very professional and friendly.”

        After some discussion, one of the recruiters said she had what she thought was a good match for the couple.

        Fast forward to Tais and Luis visiting Glenboro this past spring.

        “We were looking for our forever place,” Tais reflected, smiling, “we came to Glenboro and fell in love.”

        After deciding to call Glenboro home, the endless paperwork, preparation and planning started.

        The couple were not just moving their household to a completely different continent, but Tais would also be practicing medicine in a new country. This added a new level of complexity to the mix with a seemingly endless stream of complex and detailed information needing to be collected and forwarded, being received in Canada in a timely manner, allowing for the review and acceptance of the documentation sent, culminating in Tais being able to begin practicing medicine and accepting patients as soon after arriving as possible.

        It took time, a lot of time, but they did it and they are now our neighbours!

        Tais and Luis wanted to say thank you to everyone who has been so supportive through this process, and so warmly welcoming them to Glenboro. The Health Action Committee was  amazing!

        There is so much more to this story but we are going to let our new friends settle in and we will be catching up with both of them in the new year.

        We all want to welcome Dr. Tais Pujol and her husband to Glenboro.

                Note: In the Christmas Gala article we mentioned a surprise guest. Tais actually made a surprise stop at the Gala (it was a surprise for her as well).

Photo Caption:  Our new neighbours, new friends and our new doctor: Dr. Tais Pujol and her husband Luis Rojo have made their way from Manchester, England to their new home near Glenboro.  PHOTO BY SUZANNE PADDOCK

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