Advertising Rates & Information

 Advertising Rates

Deadline: Tuesday at 10 am

Classified Words Ads – For Sale, Coming Events, Notices, Card of Thanks, In Memoriams – $8.00.  10 cents per word over 30 words.  Billing charge of $1.25 will be added to all classifieds that require billing by mail.

Engagements, Birthdays, Birth Announcements and Anniversaries – With or without photo: $17.00 minimum or $4.25/column inch. (4 inches = $17.00; 5 inches = $21.25; 6 inches = $25.50)

Obituaries –  $15.00 minimum or $4.25/column inch.


$6.50 minimum = 1.5 inches; $7.00 = 1.75 inches; $7.50 – 2 inches; $8.00 – 2.25 inches; $8.50 – 2.5 inches.

Sold only on a three month basis (12 insertions).


Would you like to promote your local business by having us do a feature article on your business? Give us a call or email us for details and we will put one of our writers in touch with you.

DISPLAY ADVERTISING RATES – Please give us a call or email us to get a quote on display advertisement to meet your budget.

5% G.S.T. applies to all advertising at point of sale.


TABLOID – 6 column wide x 14” high (200 lines)

1 col. width …………………… 1.583”

2 col. width…………………….. 3.333”

3 col. width…………………….  5.083”

4 col. width ……………………. 6.833”

5 col. width ……………………. 8.583”

6 col. width…………………… 10.333”

Flyer Distribution Rates

Frequency Rate (number of weeks) – Casual: 10 cents per flyer;  12-20 weeks: 9.0 cents per flyer;  21-50 weeks: 8.0 cents per flyer.  Flyers should arrive by Monday for Thursday mailing.

Subscription Rates

Subscription Rates (taxes included): Within Canada – $55.00 CAD; Within the United States – $100.00 CAD; To Other Countries – $155.00 CAD. Online edition – $40.00 (taxes included)

Advertising Policies

LIABILITY FOR ERRORS … The advertiser agrees that the publisher shall not be liable for damages arising out of errors in advertisements beyond the amount paid for space actually occupied by that portion of advertisement which the error occurred, whether such error is due to the negligence of its servants or otherwise … and there shall be no liability for non-insertion of any advertisement beyond the amount paid for such advertisement.

IDENTIFICATION … The publisher reserves the right to add the word “Advertisement” or the abbreviation “Advt.”; or to add the numbers indicating the weeks the advertisement is to be placed: ex. “39-41”.

RIGHT TO CLASSIFY, REJECT OR DISCONTINUE … All advertising is subject to publisher’s approval. Right reserved to revise or reject advertisements in accordance with standards acceptablity to the publisher, to lighten or change type, borders or illustrations, or to omit advertisements without notice.

CREDIT …Accounts over 30 days from date of invoice will be assessed a 2% per month carrying charge (24% per annum).

POSITION … All advertisements take run-of-paper position unless prior arrangements are made. A surcharge may be added to guarantee a position.