by Lawrence Lannoo
The “Castle on the Lake” on Pelican Lake is the focal point of a new lakefront development plan, which is intended to begin sales and construction this Spring and Summer.
The building has been purchased by an investment group under the banner, “Castle View Developments.”
About 104 acres surrounding that site have been bought and included in the development plan.
As of this writing, legal aspects of the development had yet to be discussed with the Municipality of Prairie Lakes.
Justin Leblanc, one of three partners in Castle View, said in a phone interview January 20th their goal is to increase jobs and tourism in the immediate area.
“We wanted to bring some new jobs and new development to southern Manitoba,” he said. “We have plans to turn that area into the largest lakefront development southern Manitoba has ever seen.”
Leblanc said the project will create a mixed-use development area, selling lots for the construction of cabins and retaining and expanding on such features as the current campsite.
As for the “Castle,” Leblanc said that building will serve as an event space for such occasions as weddings and other family gatherings.
Leblanc, who once operated a wedding and events company before the pandemic, said the time was right for establishing some family friendly attractions in the area.
“Everything is moving to Ontario and Lake of the Woods,” he said, “but we saw this property and couldn’t get over it.”
He said lots will be offered for sale in mid-February, with the goal of beginning construction on those lots this summer.
The location of the development site is on the southeast corner of the lake and about two miles from Pleasant Valley Golf Course.
For more information regarding Castle View Developments, contact Justin at (204) 688-1955.

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