McLeod family celebrates 100 years on the Family Farm

by | Jul 15, 2023

by Gayle Johnson

Although it should have happened in 2021, the COVID pandemic wreaked havoc on even Centennial festivities.

Current McLeod owners Don and Sharon, shared memories and stories of life on the McLeod farm.

The McLeod farm legacy started back in 1921, when John Hector McLeod purchased the farm in a tax sale. The property came with a comfortable home, barn and several outbuildings. John, his mother, his wife and their large brood of energetic children moved into their new home, living off the land and building their farm.

As their children grew up they left the comfort and safety of the family farm making their own way in the world. Son Daniel had moved to British Columbia, signing up for the Reserves and working a fulltime job.

John wanted to retire, and discussions began between father and son and it was quickly decided that Daniel would come back to Manitoba to take over the farm. Paperwork needed to be filed to have him released from his commitment to the Reserves, and in 1943, upon receiving his release papers, Daniel and his wife returned to Manitoba to become the second generation McLeod farm owners.

In 1959 the couple had a new home moved on to the property which was a major upgrade from the original home that was existing on the property when purchased in 1921.

The couple’s only child, Donald, or Don as he is known by, has many fond memories of growing up on the family farm.

His father would trap a variety of animals, and in one year made enough to purchase a new tractor which at the time cost him $1,170.00.

Every year hunters would come from all over to stay on the farm and hunt in the area.

The cold and blustery winters, and the blistering hot summer days, when stock still needed to be tended to.

His father Daniel was an avid sportsman who loved to play baseball and golf, and after retiring from farm life would travel extensively with his wife.

As Daniel and his wife prepared to retire and leave the farm, they had a new home moved into Belmont which they fully enjoyed.

In the fall of 1979 Don’s parents moved to their new home in Belmont, and Don and wife Sharon moved onto the farm with their two young children and a one week old baby.

Added to the stress was that Sharon had never lived on a farm before and they were in the middle of harvest with field meals needing to be made.

She admits it was a culture shock at first, but she fully embraced the farm wife role with gusto and just did what was needed! Today, she can’t imagine a better life than the one they have lived on the farm.

Don and Sharon both agreed that the memories of a century old family farm run deep and the life lived on a farm is something to be relished and enjoyed for as many years as possible.

Enjoy my friends, enjoy.

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