Dwayne Ricard Gains His Wings

by | Dec 6, 2024

Recently, you may have noticed someone flying over your town outfitted with a huge striped parachute carrying a riding apparatus looking somewhat like a go cart frame with wheels and outfitted with a huge pusher fan on the back.

        There were all kinds of questions and suppositions being offered as to what this person was doing up there, including; is what they are doing legal,  could it be someone taking aerial photos, maybe it’s a hunter looking for animals.

        There were more ideas but as we found out, they were incorrect.

        When we are looking at stories to bring to our readers, we always do our best to go to the source and talk to our subjects first hand, and as luck would have it, we managed to catch up with the illusive flyer on Saturday morning of this past weekend.

        While heading down Highway 23 towards Mariapolis, overhead appeared a huge striped parachute carrying a powered paraglider.

        Watching the pilot effortlessly float overhead you can’t help but be in awe.

        Heading south over Mariapolis, the pilot began to descend.

        Pulling off the highway, we toured through town. The pilot and his craft were located in a field on the west side, he was already out of his seat, had removed his helmet, and was readying the parachute for packing.

        Can you guess who the pilot is?

        A true gentleman with a calm, friendly demeanour and a broad smile, the pilot so many have seen gliding through the air is none other than Dwayne Ricard, someone who is well known for his sense of adventure.

        According to Dwayne he has always wanted to fly, and this is the perfect way to do it!

        He attended a powered paragliding school in Saskatoon last year, but it wasn’t until very recently that he secured his Condor powered paraglider, imported from South Dakota.

        The model Dwayne pilots is a tandem, with a carrying capacity of 500 pounds, allowing him to share this experience with others, as well as being able to take any additional equipment needed with him on his adventures.

        Once safely on the ground and having its parachute securely stored away, this model can then be driven to wherever you need to go. This is sounding like a perfect mode of travel!

        Since purchasing this equipment several weeks ago, he has clocked 55 hours on it, already travelling to countless points within a 40 mile radius of Mariapolis.

        “It is so relaxing! I get my chores done in the morning, pack a sandwich and just go. I like to take pictures of the wildlife I see and just enjoy the complete freedom this offers.’’

                If you see Dwayne flying over, give him a wave. He is just out spreading his wings, enjoying a bird’s eye view and relaxing.

Caption:  Dwayne Ricard stands in the field with his Condor powered paraglider following another relaxing ride.  PHOTO BY SUZANNE PADDOCK

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