Cypress River Fun Fair Continues to Impress

by | Dec 5, 2024

   This past weekend the annual Cypress River Fun Fair was held and by all accounts it was the best event ever!

        Bren Richmond, President of the Cypress River Multipurpose Community Centre was very pleased with this year’s event, “Every year we have so much community support and it just feels great! We are so fortunate to have the volunteer group we have, they just pitch in and do what is needed.”

        Brad Anderson noted that moving it to Saturday was well received in many ways, but there were conflicts with hockey. “I don’t know what the answer is, I guess we are just going to have to rethink it.”

        Every year organizers add new smaller games and as a result, this year there was an extensive variety of games and even more fun to be had.

        The Cake Walk this year had a colossal variety of cakes to be won, each one looking amazing. All the winners were more than pleased with their iced treasures.

        New this year was the watermelon eating contest.

        Chad Cnudde won the award of being the fastest watermelon eater for 2024.

        Will he be able to retain the title in 2025? We are going to have to wait to find out.

        Luke and Nicki Defoort were on hand with their wood fired pizza oven on wheels, offering the best pizza ever! According to Bren, Cypress Meats donated all the meat used to make the pizza’s with Luke and Nicki donating all the rest of the ingredients.

        Luke and Nicki also generously donated all the proceeds from their pizza sales to the Cypress River Fun Fair.

        Janice Potvin shared that the attendance was estimated to be 150 people with the proceeds from the event equalling over $2,500.

        The money raised from this fundraiser is earmarked for the purchase and installation of a new exhaust hood and extra deep fryer to elevate the kitchen to a whole new level.

        The Board wanted to thank everyone who came out, had fun and supported this annual event. They also wanted to extend a huge thank you to all the volunteers who made this event great, and to everyone who donated cakes, prizes and monetary support.

                A special thank you to Linda Berry who is, as always, amazing and works her magic in the kitchen. We couldn’t do it without you!

New to the Cypress River Fun Fair was the “Watermelon Eating Contest” where Chad Cnudde (second from the right) proved that years of training eventually pays off.  PHOTO BY SUZANNE PADDOCK

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