The Iconic Stockton Ferry is Here to Stay!

The Iconic Stockton Ferry is Here to Stay!

 I had a message from a concerned reader last week saying he had heard a rumour that the Stockton Ferry (Ferry) was scheduled to be closed within the next 5 to 10 years because it wasn’t being used.         The reader went on to say he was extremely concerned because...

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Glenboro Clinic Welcomes New Doctor

Glenboro Clinic Welcomes New Doctor

  I had the distinct pleasure of meeting two delightful individuals who have very recently purchased a home just outside of the town of Glenboro.         Can you guess who they may be?         If you said our newest doctor Tais Pujol, who will soon be taking patients...

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Community newspaper distributed weekly, serving the communities of Baldur, Belmont, Cypress River, Glenboro, Glenora, Ninette, Stockton, Treesbank & Wawanesa in South Western Manitoba. Learn More