Dwayne Ricard Gains His Wings

Dwayne Ricard Gains His Wings

Recently, you may have noticed someone flying over your town outfitted with a huge striped parachute carrying a riding apparatus looking somewhat like a go cart frame with wheels and outfitted with a huge pusher fan on the back.         There were all kinds of...

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Cypress River Fun Fair Continues to Impress

Cypress River Fun Fair Continues to Impress

   This past weekend the annual Cypress River Fun Fair was held and by all accounts it was the best event ever!         Bren Richmond, President of the Cypress River Multipurpose Community Centre was very pleased with this year’s event, “Every year we have so much...

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The Iconic Stockton Ferry is Here to Stay!

The Iconic Stockton Ferry is Here to Stay!

 I had a message from a concerned reader last week saying he had heard a rumour that the Stockton Ferry (Ferry) was scheduled to be closed within the next 5 to 10 years because it wasn’t being used.         The reader went on to say he was extremely concerned because...

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Community newspaper distributed weekly, serving the communities of Baldur, Belmont, Cypress River, Glenboro, Glenora, Ninette, Stockton, Treesbank & Wawanesa in South Western Manitoba. Learn More