by Lawrence Lannoo
A Holland family will be recognized for their charitable efforts fighting muscular dystrophy October 23rd at an award presentation in Brandon.
Gerald Grift, along with parents Barb and Harvey, will be honoured for supporting MD research for the past several years.
The presentation, conducted by Muscular Dystrophy Canada, will take place at the Riverbank Discovery Center in Brandon.
Speaking October 9th, Barb said her son, now aged 33, was diagnosed with MD when he was seven years old.
As well as attending charitable activities fighting MD in the province, Barb said the family has also been active during the Christmas season as well.
“Gerald always gets MD Christmas ornaments,” she said, “and we sell them here at the mini-mall at the end of the year.
“He has been doing that for several years.”
The ornaments are made of pewter and produced in Nova Scotia, Barb said, adding they could be viewed on Gerald’s Facebook page for anyone interested in purchasing them.
All proceeds from the sales go to fighting MD in Canada.
As for her reaction to the award, Barb added, “I think it is pretty cool. We do a fair amount for them, and we enjoy doing it.”

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